What Then Shall We Say?

by Adam J. Coffman

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

From dust we all were made,

and back into the dust, we one day will fade.

We’re dust mites on a rock, spinning through space;

hanging on for dear life, until death, puts us in our place.

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

God is very angry. He went to great length,

to show us his splendor, his majesty, his strength.

He created the stars, the mountains, the rivers, the seas…

And a zillion other things, like turtles, tigers, and honey bees.

Then at last, he made us, and set us aside.

He gave us his breath and then opened his arms wide—

and said, “Be fruitful, increase, rule the whole place.

Be my children, my image, and the reflection of my face.”

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

God made us different, he set us apart.

He gave us a mind, and a will, and a freedom of heart.

And well, the rest is history, as they like to say…

We all like sheep have gone astray.

Each to their own pasture, and piles of manure and straw.

Each with this terrible and fatal flaw.

We’re lame and we’re broken, and bruised through and through.

Our years might be a hundred, or only a few.

In the meantime, we’re building sand castles, or playing in the mud.

We’re feeding on nothing but regurgitated cud.

We have cravings and appetites that cannot be quenched.

And in the grand game of eternity, we’ve all been benched.

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

We’ve been worse than benched, we’ve been tried and convicted.

We’ve been judged by God’s Law as guilty and wicked.

No one is right, not even one,

and the consequences cannot ever, be outrun.

And God is just, his verdict is true.

We deserve his wrath, and the penalties too.

We are the clay that has said to the potter,

We don’t need you, and your words are just fodder.

The Law is holy, it’s righteous and good.

We know what to do, but don’t do what we should.

There’s Ten great Commandments, and we are its breakers.

Just one of them broken, makes us liars, killers, and takers.

That’s the first part of Romans, according to Paul.

Between us and God, is an unbreachable wall.

But that’s not the end, there’s more to the book.

So buckle your seat belts and let’s take a look.

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

Well, there’s more to this tale that needs to be told.

There’s more to God’s mercy than we can possibly behold.

Dust mites we are, and to dust we will return,

but in the grand scheme of things, there’s been an upturn.

God himself became one of us, on this rock – a dust mite

To show us he’s real, and to give us his light.

We’ve lost many battles, but he’s won the war.

And if we look to him, then like Eagles we will soar.

There is righteousness by faith to all who believe—

To all those who, the Lord Christ Jesus, receive—

Grace and mercy have given us freedom.

We’re no longer destined for Hell’s mausoleum.

Now blessed are those whose sins are covered.

There’s a whole new world and new life has been discovered.

We’ve been saved from futility, and uselessness, and waste.

And now, in our hands, a great gift has been placed.

The looming darkness to come, will not be the end.

Just a moment of passing, and then we’ll transcend.

But that’s not for now, that’s not for today.

For today, there’s something else that God’s Word has to say…

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

We’re here for a purpose, a plan, and a reason.

God’s timing is perfect, to all things there’s a season.

We struggle and we strife, we toil, suffer, and die.

But there is a reason. There is a why.

Our momentary troubles are just symptoms of glory.

They remind us we’re alive, and they add some meat to our story.

Our woes are small echoes of Christ on his Cross.

They point the direction to the only true Boss.

It’s him that we follow, not John, not Calvin, not Donald or Joe.

They’re not the bosses, they’re just running a show.

We have a real King, on eternity’s throne.

It’s in him that our peace and assurance are sewn.

He’s taken the Scroll, and he’s opened the seals.

One, two, three, four, while the Creation all kneels.

When the 5th seal was broken, then came the cries.

Our brethren who fell without believing the lies.

When he opened the sixth, then set in motion,

Fire, darkness, and thunder, and apocalyptic commotion.

The 7th is the end, and we’re not quite there.

There’s still some time left, for truth, love, and for prayer.

Now, that’s the grand scheme, the big picture view.

And we’re only simple people, with a tiny Church crew.

But our gifts work together, and we each have a calling.

And we can make a difference, ere the stars begin falling.

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

Now, it’s not an easy game, we’re playing down here.

We sweat and we bleed and we shed more than one tear.

But through darkness and death, we still have a King.

And we still meet together, around his table to sing.

He fills up our cups, while we put on our packs.

He gives us living water and straps a cross to our backs.

In the bread and in the wine, we remember our condition.

That we need him as we set forth, on this Great Commission.

Because, when we want to do good, evil is right there.

It saturates everything and it fills the whole air.

Who will save us from ourselves and our wretched discord?

Thanks be to God, through Christ Jesus, our Lord!

The Spirit of God is now driving our car.

He’s bound for eternity, and it’s not that far.

We’re almost there, just a few exits more.

And we can stop our groaning, at Heaven’s great door.

We are children of God, we are those he has chosen.

We are destined to be free like the Earth from its corrosion.

The decay will end, all things will be fresh.

But the wheat and the chaff, in his hands he will thresh.

But we have a Savior, a redeemer, a King, and a friend.

In him our hopes, our dreams, and our eternal lives all depend.

By faith we go forward and we move down the road,

And we put to good use, these gifts he’s bestowed.

The task is before us, there is much work still to do.

It doesn’t matter if we have 50, or only 2.

He has given us new hearts, and blessed us with power.

Even when we’re tired and our thoughts become sour.

What then shall we say in view of these things? What then shall we say in response to all this?

Well now, with all said, let’s briefly review…

Romans 8:31, is the verse it all points to.

His word is final, and the conclusion is thus:

If God is for us, who can be against us?

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